Marie Angelo
Welcome to Imaginal Studies, where wonderful Inner Arts of visionary imagination are invited to illumine and inspire.
It’s ‘the Way of the Imaginal,’ by which I research the ‘Splendor Solis,’ combining my training as an independent Archetypal psychologist-scholar with my long-term background as student and teacher of the Western Mystery Tradition at the School of Memphis.

Splendor Solis
The ‘Splendor of the Sun’ is a Renaissance book distilling centuries of transformative wisdom in 22 dazzling illuminations. Inside the images, I recognised keys to the animating mysteries of ‘the mother sun behind the sun’. Wonderful landscapes, temples, and peoples of Light offer a ‘Splendor Solis Academy’ for the apprentice alchemist to study esoteric and mystical Arts. I’m writing a series of initiatory books to share these discoveries.

School Of Memphis
Themes in the Splendor Solis come from the larger landscape of Ancient Egypt where the great temple schools of Memphis, ‘the enduring and beautiful’ city, taught the original alchemical arts. Honouring the life-work and legacy of a great teacher, our not-for-profit community interest project (CIC) maintains the spirit of the True wisdom schools of old.

Starry Mike
Traditional Astrologer Mike Edwards has gifted Imaginal Studies with his extensive Library, including published and unpublished papers, and recordings of his legendary ‘Star-talk’ teaching. In the company of our splendid ‘Red King’ we re-member the alchemical cosmos of celestial harmonies, turning the wheel of stars once more.

Splendor Solis Tarot
Inside a Golden Treasure Box, a richly -illustrated ‘pocket-book of splendors’ accompanies a Tarot deck of 78 cards, each the inner transformative vision of one of the well-known Rider-Waite set. The book is lyrically written, each card speaking directly to the Apprentice Alchemist, revealing western mysteries. There’s a large-format edition too! Get more details at the publishers website by clicking the button below or visiting www.alchimiapublishing.com.

Apprentice Alchemist
The Splendor Solis Tarot, complete in itself, is also a map distilling the mystic journey. The animate sun opens ‘the way of the imaginal’ with reveries into the heart of the matter. If you’d like to know more, perhaps develop your own ‘Book for the Apprentice’, do be in touch. Developing a Splendor Solis Academy is part of the grand project to share the whole initiatory cycle of Starry Books.